著書の引用はアポストロフィ ' で囲ってます。それが、殆どやけども...
from ' INTRODUCTORY DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Paul A.Lynn Wolfgang Fuerst ' p.67-71
'A periodic digital signal can be represented by a Fourier Series'
a periodic signal
'The coefficients of its line spcetrum indicate the 'amount' of various frequencies contained in the signal.'
in this case,
= kth spectral component
is a vector.
because of k starts with one ,so I changed former difinition.
Why different from the answer?
'if x[n] is a real function of n, the values display a 'mirror-image' pattern
real parts of a and a are equal,so are the those of \{a} and a .
The imaginary parts shows a similar pattern,but with a change of sign.
successive seven coefficients are...
'identical to the set of to
Problem 1.Find its Fourier Series coefficients
......this needs 8 points for sampling, right?
...this needs 4 points,right?
So, I need 8 samples for x[n] to be periodic, right?
Let's try this.
(This difinition of x is good, because I can define and others appropriately)
Paul/Wolfgang wrote
'x[n] has eight samples per period,so its Fourier Series must repeat every eight harmonics.
Our analysis gives only five finite terms,therefore the other three must be zero.'
Let's caluculate other coefficients of x[n].
it's OK,but are non-zero!
Real parts of equal zero.
These iimaginary parts are almost equal to zero(.......OK, d'accord
June 24 2003
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